
30 Days of Affirmations

April 11 - Reflection

Humans are always in motion. Sure, we take time here and there to relax with friends, to rest, to sleep. But for the most part, every thought we have, every action we make, is to get somewhere, in our minds, in our careers, in our world.

We rarely take time to reflect.

Reflection helps us see where we have been, to learn from the mistakes we’ve made. Knowing what we have done in the past, and meditating on it, doesn’t mean we are living in the past. Instead, it can help us to acknowledge that past, thank it for making us who we are today, and prepare for the future we are creating.

Reflection reminds us of our strengths, our joys, our successes, so we can carry them with us in times of weakness, pain, and missteps.

Reflection gives us the gift of self-compassion. 

Let’s embrace reflection.

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