Day 14 - Meeting Goals

We all have dreams that we want to have come true. Through those dreams, we can make goals that we want to achieve.  But sometimes, after dreaming the dreams and setting the goals, we forget to make the plans so we can achieve the goal. And worse, we beat ourselves up because we don’t achieve our goals “in time”, whatever that might mean.

Goals take time. And goals change. And sometimes that plan goes really, really awry. 

And that’s okay. We change. Fulfilling who we are takes time. And life sometimes takes us in very unexpected directions.

Following our plan shouldn’t feel bad. Sometimes it will be difficult, sometimes it will be tiring. But it should never be excruciating, or make us question our self-worth. When our goals start to tear away at our inner selves, our core selves, we should stop and consider if the goal is worth it. For me, no goal is worth the cost of my self-worth. It’s worth the cost of my time, my energy, my money, but never my core self. 

We are so much smarter than we think we are. We know so much more than we think we do. We are so much braver than we think we are. And we can achieve so much more than we think we can. 

I hope these affirmations help us remember this.

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