December 7 - Just for Today
Hi all,
I know, it’s been a while. Adjusting to being back in the US (perhaps permanently?), graduate school, my baby brother’s death, moving cross-country – there’s been a lot going on.
I’ve felt like I was running from one thing to another, with barely a chance to catch my breath.
I’m still trying to catch my breath.
I’m working to remember to give myself grace, and take one day at a time.
For the affirmations this week, I decided to take a page from one of my favorite apps called Insight Timer. If you’re familiar with different meditation apps like Calm and 10% Happier and some others, you’ll know that they have various meditations, stories, talks, all that sort of stuff. I like Insight Timer because a lot of the material is completely free, always. Now I haven’t tried the others, since I’m happy with this one, but I recommend it. (No affiliation, just a happy user.)
One meditation of theirs that I absolutely love is called “Just for today.” It helps me to get into the moment, to thinking about what I need this day. What I need to do for myself, this day. Not tomorrow, not yesterday.
These are the affirmations I came up with.
I hope that they help you to remain present. and to think about the things that you need for yourself, right now, just for today.