Day 0 - Introduction
Hi. My name is Nik. I’m not a meditation teacher. Nor am I a yoga teacher. I’ve practiced both for more than 20 years, but I am not a teacher of either. This project began because, one day, I realized that I wanted to do 30 days of affirmations for myself, and I thought others might want the same.
Each of these sets of affirmations is targeted toward a specific area of the human experience. Our relationship to self. Our relationship to others. Our relationship to success. Our relationship to growth. And many others.
A bit more about me – I am not a firm believer in the Law of Attraction, at least not in the way it is often represented. I do not believe that saying certain things will make the universe give you everything you want.
I DO believe that saying certain things can change your MINDSET about receiving those things that you want. If your mind believes that you can get these things, it will look for ways to make it true. You just have to be able to recognize how to get what you want, and how to get to where you want to be.
That’s what I want these affirmations to be for myself, and for others. A way to attune our minds to recognize the things we want, and see the paths to them. To see the actions we need to take to get them. Because I also believe that, you have to take action to get what you want, to get to where you want to be. Your business is not going to appear because you think about it – you have to actually start it. Your relationship is not going to improve by your thinking about it – you have to actually communicate with your partner. Your health is not going to improve through positive thinking – you have to actually eat well and exercise.
If this contradicts your beliefs, that’s fine, no worries. These affirmations could still be good for you.
I try to leave space after each affirmation for you to repeat it. I apologize if it isn’t long enough.
Please feel free to do each set of affirmations as a guided meditation, or as a moving meditation, whatever works for you.
Thank you for joining me on this journey.